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You have to Practice?

Most parents sign up for lessons just to learn how to play the instrument without the big picture in mind.  When parents sign their children up for lessons at 7 Notes it is generally for the simple reason that they want their child to play a musical instrument.  Without sufficient parent education before the child begins his lessons,  often parents don’t appreciate the potential power of the experience for their child nor do they realize the importance of their role.   The mindset going in may be to just to try it out and see what happens.  If the goal is just to see if” Jimmy”  likes it,  chances are that” Jimmy” won’t’ like it very long.  What is missing here is the big picture and a vision of the end result.   Without a vision, one cannot determine what goals to develop.  Once a parent has a vision then she/he can decide what goals must be met in order for the vision to become a reality.